MSW SERIES Vaccum Hose Clear food grade all clear plastic heavy duty with an ebedded copper wire running through it This hose is FDA approved, USDA Approved, and 3-A Sanitary Standards Approved. It is designed for heavy duty vacuuming and dry material transfer applications. It has good abrasion resistance but is not very flexible. APPROVAL SPECIFICATIONS
(1) FDA – CFR Title 21 Parts 170 to 199.
(2) USDA – For use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants.
(3) 3-A Sanitary Standard – No. 20-20, Multi-use plastic materials as product contact surfaces in equipment for
production, processing and handling of milk and milk products.
** This hose is designed to dissipate static electricity only when the copper wire has been properly connected
to ground, through the fitting or by other means.It is a clear hose with a clear helix wire supported.MSW SERIES Vaccum Hose Clear food grade all clear plastic heavy duty with an ebedded copper wire running through itPart No. MSW SERIES Hose |
US $16.72US $ |