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Flare-Lok Dyno Act High Temperature garage exhaust hoses for diesel fume emissions
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Garage Exhaust Hose
Garage Exhaust Ducting Hoses
Item#:  Garage Exhaust Hoses
Price:  US $0.00US $
Garage Exhaust Flare-lok (per 11' lengths) 2 inch through 4 inch X 11 FT
Garage Exhaust Dyno Hose (per 11' lengths) 4 inch X 11 FT
Garage Exhaust Act Hose with Wire Support (per 11' lengths) 5 inch through 6 inch X 11 FT

Garage Exhaust Flare-lok (per 11' lengths)

2 Inch thru 4 Inch Diameter X 11 FT Length Rated 375°F, Light weight rubber hose

Garage Exhaust Dyno Hose (per 11' lengths)

4 Inch Diameter X 11 FT Length Rated 450°F, Light weight rubber hose

Garage Exhaust Act Hose (per 11' lengths)

5 Inch thru 6 Inch Diameter X 11 FT Length Rated 375°F, Light weight wire supportrd rubber hose

Garage Exhaust Flare-lok Light weight rubber hose-Ideal for carbon monoxide Exhaust Flare-lok applications. Resistant to heat, aging, gasoline, oil and fumes, Ideal for carbon monoxide Exhaust Flare-lok applications. No wire or metal. Even when flattened 100% the hose immediately returns to its original shape. Hose adapters and accessories available. Efficient flow characteristics, Designed for wide temperature ranges, STD. Length (FT) 11, Temp. Range (F) -20 to 375° F

Garage Exhaust Dyno Hose Light weight rubber hose. Garage Exhaust ACT DYNO HOSE -Special heavy wall gray rubber blend to withstand the high temperature of a dynamometer when used with a fan assisted system. 4 X 11 FT. Light weight heavy wall rubber hose-Ideal for carbon monoxide Exhaust testing. Standard Length 11 FT Designed for IM240 & VMAS emission testing. Temp. Range (F) 0 to 450° F

Garage Exhaust ACT Hose Wire Reinforced (per 11' lengths) 5 inch and 6 inch X 11 FT Lengths, Light weight rubber hose with a wire reinforcment. Ideal for carbon monoxide Exhaust ACT Hose is Resistant to heat, aging, gasoline, oil and fumes. Embedded Wire helps prevent kinking , STD. Length (FT) 11, Temp. Range (F) 0 to 375° F

Garage Exhaust Flare-lok All Rubber Hose

Garage Exhaust Dyno All Rubber Hose
Garage Exhaust Act Wire Reinforced Rubber Hose

GARAGE EXHAUST 2.5 Inch Tail Pipe Adapter
2.5 Inch Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 3 Inch Tail Pipe Adapter
3 Inch Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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F350 Coalescing Filters Parts and Accessories Needed to Properly Maintenance Compressed Air Systems
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 3.5 Inch Dyno Hose Tail Pipe Adapter
3.5 Inch Dyno Hose Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 4 Inch Tail Pipe Adapter
4 Inch Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST Heavy Equipment Tail Pipe Adapter
Heavy Equipment Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 3.5 x 8.5 Inch Hose Oval Tail Pipe Adapter
3.5 x 8.5 Inch Hose Oval Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 5 Inch Hose Oval Tail Pipe Adapter
5 Inch Hose Oval Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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High Temperature Garage Exhaust Hoses 6 Inch Stack Tail Pipe Adapter Accessory
6 Inch Stack Tail Pipe Adapter
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 2.5 Inch Rubber Door Port
2.5 Inch Rubber Door Port
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 3 Inch Aluminum Door Port
3 Inch Aluminum Door Port
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 4 Inch Aluminum Door Port
4 Inch Aluminum Door Port
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 2.5 Inch Rubber Y-Connector
2.5 Inch Rubber Y-Connector
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 3 Inch Rubber Y-Connector
3 Inch Rubber Y-Connector
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 4 Inch Aluminum Y-Connector
4 Inch Aluminum Y-Connector
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 4 Inch Aluminum Splice Connector
4 Inch Aluminum Splice Connector
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 2.5 Inch Aluminum Elbow
2.5 Inch Aluminum Elbow
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 3 Inch Aluminum Elbow
3 Inch Aluminum Elbow
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 5 Inch Aluminum Splice Connector
5 Inch Aluminum Splice Connector
US $0.00US $
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GARAGE EXHAUST 6 Inch Aluminum Splice Connector
6 Inch Aluminum Splice Connector
US $0.00US $
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