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 Ducting Hoses > Abrasive Material Handling Hose

Abrasion Resistant Flexaust Hoses for Material Handling

Plastic and Urethane Flexible Abrasive Materials Hose

Flexaust Urethane and PVC Abrasive Material Handling Hoses. These hoses are designed to withstand tough conditions and provide reliable performance in various industrial Material Handling Hoses. Here are some key details about the Flexaust Urethane and PVC Abrasive Material Handling Hoses:


  • Flx-Thane Urethane Hoses:


Description: Flexaust Flx-Thane Urethane Material Handling Hoses are available in LD Light Duty to VHD Very Heavy Duty. Most of the hoses are available in clear or black polyurethane. It is reinforced with a bronze-coated spring steel wire helix.


Excellent abrasion resistance and high tear strength.

Superior chemical resistance.

Wide flexibility, even in extreme temperatures.

Suitable for severe service and abrasive material handling applications.

Available in metric sizes.

Clear version manufactured with FDA acceptable materials.

Great moisture and UV resistance.

Temperature Range: From -65°F to 200°F.

Wall Thickness vary depending on the hose.

Hoses available are LD, MD, HD, AND VHD.

Applications: Ideal for material handling, dust collection, ventilation.


  • Flx-Thane MD:


Description: Flx-Thane MD is a medium-weight black or clear polyurethane hose reinforced with a bronze-coated spring steel wire helix.


Internal and external abrasion resistance.

Good chemical and moisture resistance.

Suitable for ventilation, dust, and fume removal.

Clear version manufactured with FDA acceptable materials.

Wall Thickness: 0.045".

Temperature Range: From -65°F to 225°F.


  • Flexadux PV R-3 AND R-4 PVC Material Handling Hoses:


Description: Flexadux PV is a lightweight PVC hose reinforced with a spring steel wire helix.


Great flexibility with tight bending characteristics.

Good chemical and moisture resistance.

Suitable for ventilation applications, dust, and lighter material handling applications.

UL 94V-0 flame retardant (blue version).

Clear version manufactured with FDA acceptable materials.

Wall Thickness: vary by hose.

Applications: Ventilation, light material handling hose, and fume extraction.

Recommended List of Flexaust Abrasive Material Handling Hoses
Flex Tube Flex Stat 60 Hose
Flex Tube PU Hose
FlexStat CR Hose
FlexStat Hose
Flx-Thane HD Hose
Flx-Thane MD Hose
Flx-Thane SD Hose
Flx-Thane SE Hose
Flx-Thane VHD Hose
R-3 Hose
R-4 Hose
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Flexaust Urethane and PVC Abrasive hoses are primarily used in Material Handling, dust collection, and ventilation systems across various industries. Whether you need heavy-duty abrasion resistance or flexibility, Flexaust has a solution to meet your requirements.

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Flex Tube Flex Stat 60 Hose
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FlexStat CR Hose
FlexStat CR Ducting Hose
FlexStat Hose Flexaust Ducting Hoses Static Dissipating Powder Dust Material Transport Hose Weight   
FlexStat Hose
FlexStat Ducting Hose
Flx-Thane HD Hose Flexaust Ducting Hoses Abrasive Material Handling Hose Material Weight   
Flx-Thane HD Hose
Flx-Thane HD Ducting Hose
Flx-thane LD-SD can be used for dust collection and oil mist extraction   
Flx-Thane LD-SD
Flx-Thane LD-SD
Flx-Thane MD Hose Flexaust Ducting Hoses Abrasive Material Handling Hose Material Weight   
Flx-Thane MD Hose
Flx-Thane MD Ducting Hose
Flx-thane MD can be used for abrasive dust collection and oil mist extraction applications   
Flx-Thane MD Metric
Flx-Thane MD Metric
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