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 Ducting Hoses > Pharmaceutical Clean Room Hoses

Solutions for Pharmaceutical Clean Rooms Flexaust Hoses

ESD High Vacuum Pharmaceutical Clean Room Hose Solutions

In the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry, maintaining a contaminant-free environment is crucial. Flexaust, a leading manufacturer of flexible hose and ducting solutions, offers a range of products designed to meet the stringent requirements of pharmaceutical clean rooms. Among these are the FlexStat CR Ducting Hose and the FlexStat Ducting Hose, each engineered to provide static dissipative properties and ensure a safe and clean operation.

FlexStat CR Ducting Hose: Precision and Safety in Clean Rooms

The FlexStat CR Ducting Hose is a specially formulated hose designed for critical applications in clean rooms and pharmaceutical environments1. It features:

  • Static Dissipative Properties: With a surface resistivity level of 10^8 - 10^10 Ohms/Square, it offers permanent and non-humidity dependent electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection.
  • FDA Acceptable Materials: Manufactured with materials that are FDA acceptable, ensuring safety and compliance.
  • Extreme Flexibility: The hose is extremely flexible, providing great abrasion resistance compared to heavy-walled PVC, which is essential for maneuvering in tight spaces.
  • Embedded Copper Grounding Wire: An enclosed copper braided grounding wire reduces static build-up, a critical feature for explosive dust handling.
  • Smooth Interior: Assures minimal friction loss, efficient air flow, and elimination of material build-up, which is vital for maintaining clean room standards.

FlexStat Ducting Hose: Versatility and Durability

The FlexStat Ducting Hose extends the capabilities of the FlexStat CR with its very heavy weight polyurethane construction reinforced with a rigid external ABS helix and an embedded copper braided grounding wire2. It is ideal for:

  • Severe Service Applications: Its extreme abrasion resistance and ability to handle high vacuum make it suitable for hopper loading systems and plastic pellet transfer.
  • Wide Temperature Range: With a temperature range of -40° to 200°, it can perform in various environmental conditions.
  • ESD Protection: Like the FlexStat CR, it provides permanent ESD protection, crucial for preventing static buildup and potential explosions.

Pharmaceutical Clean Room Hoses and Accessories

FlexStat CR Hose
FlexStat Hose
Flex Tube Hose Cuffs
Flex Tube Static Conductive Hose Cuffs
Industrial Vacuum Cleaners Hose Hand Carpet Floor Tools
Industrial Vacuum Tubing & Fittings


Flexaust’s commitment to innovation and quality is evident in their FlexStat series. The FlexStat CR and FlexStat Ducting Hoses are exemplary products that provide pharmaceutical clean rooms with the necessary tools to maintain a safe, clean, and compliant environment.

FlexStat CR Hose Flexaust Ducting Hoses Pharmaceutical Hose Powder Dust Material Transport Hose Weight   
FlexStat CR Hose
FlexStat CR Ducting Hose
US $0.00US $
FlexStat Hose Flexaust Ducting Hoses Static Dissipating Powder Dust Material Transport Hose Weight   
FlexStat Hose
FlexStat Ducting Hose
US $0.00US $

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